As you probably already know, Jay LOVES to dance. Get any song on the tv/radio/iPod that has a good beat to it and you will find Jay dancing :) We were watching "Country Strong" and Gwenyth Paltrow performs a song called "Shake That Thing" in the movie and Jay LOVED it. He even asked me a couple time to play it over and over, lol. This is one of the times he danced to it. Every time I watch this it makes me giggle :D
Pretty dang cute right? lol.
On a side note: Jays potty training is going EXCELLENT! I'm SO stoked about it! He is going pee in the "big boy potty" every time he needs to go pee now. He's even started telling me when he needs to go! The only exception is pooping in the potty - we're still working on that. But from what I've heard thats pretty typical so I try to keep my frustration of cleaning poopy underwear to a minimum hehe :) We no longer have a baby boy - we have a BIG BOY!! :D
LOVE that kid! He is so good at shaken' it and it's easy to see that he is gonna be one good dancer when he gets big. ;) Good job on the potty training Jay! Proud of you babe.